Sunday, June 7, 2015

Slideshow of Dallin's Mission area

Hi Michaela, this video is for you so that you can get an idea of where Dallin will be serving.

These are all pictures of cities that are in the Porto Alegre North Mission. There are several German communities that look like they were plucked right out of Germany. The weather is decent. It gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter.

Some Cool Articles about the LDS Church in Brazil:

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Dallin's Mission Call

We had been expecting Dallin's mission call for almost a week when it finally came. It came on Tuesday afternoon. Dallin decided to open his call at mutual that same evening. It was great timing, since we were having a "senior night" and many of his friends and their families would be there. 

We all had our expectations, but this took us all by surprise: